Kids Negotiate with School Over Graduation

ear Stuart, I am so sorry that I missed your session on negotiating with the Upper Elementary children. It must have been good because they appeared out of the blue in my office the other day, using their power of persuasion to convince me to move this Friday’s graduation back out doors. They were very well spoken and had obviously done a great deal of preparation before hand! They knew Friday’s weather forecast, not only that it would be sunny but that it would not be too hot or too cold. They had calculated the number of people who will likely be in the audience and knew that the number was higher than the fire code allowed and they promised to speak loudly and sing like angels so their audience would be duly impressed! They presented their case with great confidence… and the sparkle in their eyes told me how much they were enjoying themselves. I realized that was because they were practicing the techniques you taught them – on me! How could I say no? Pray for sunshine on Friday! With fond regards, Abbie Abigail J. Miller, Head of School, Gladwyne Montessori School, PA
GETTING MORE NEGOTIATION TOOLS USED: Standards, Personal Connections, Preparation, Calm Presentation.