Getting More in Technology

Major tech companies and start-ups have implemented this model of collaboration. They understand that even with the best technology, the human dynamic is critical and not to be ignored.

Even while mastering engineering and marketing, the tech sector must now overcome its perennial Achilles' heel to remain competitive in an increasingly pluralistic world. That is, its people must gain the skill for making the kinds of individual personal connections necessary to build trust, reduce perceived risk and forge long-term relationships with customers, suppliers, and those of other cultures.

The Getting More model for the tech industry might be aptly subtitled, “being right is not enough.” The human dynamic is complex, emotional and unpredictable. No matter how good the coding, the design or the benefits, if they don’t like you or trust you, they won’t use your products. Our training teaches participants how to be more discerning in recognizing, understanding and problem-solving with the much greater amount of information coming at one from all parts of the globe. It is the key success factor for this century. 

The need for better human connections is especially important in employee relations and in preventing brain drain. Tech companies are learning that unless employees feel valued as individuals they will leave, no matter what the comp package or brand name.

For the more than ten thousand Silicon Valley employees who have learned its principles, the Getting More model has added billions of dollars in revenues. One manager, unable to close a deal before learning the model, was able to close the deal, worth, “several hundred million dollars,” three weeks after a workshop. 

Ready to get more?

To discuss how we can help your organization, call us at:
1 (215) 972-5500

Or, if you prefer, email us.

  • "Best investment of the year."

    Microsoft (Games Division)

  • "The best training we have ever received on this or any subject. The benefits were immediate and tangible.”

    Jon Sobel, Former Senior Vice President, Yahoo!; CEO, Sight Machine

  • "Prof. Diamond's methods for getting more have empowered me to turn failures into landslide victories. I am not making this up. Thank you for creating a rock solid workshop experience."

    Jason Buchanan, Database Administrator, Google

  • "There isn‘t an hour that goes by in my personal and professional lives when I DON‘T use the learnings from Getting More."

    Bill Ruhl, Director, Employee Ideation and Insights, Verizon