Getting More in the Military

Militaries around the world have experienced tremendous value from implementing Getting More tools, both during service and in transition to civilian life. “This stuff saves lives,” USSOCOM says.

More than 5,000 soldiers have learned first-hand how the Getting More model saves lives, achieves mission goals, masters the chain-of-command, does better with other agencies, gets host nations to collaborate, forges a better family life and produces more successful transitions.

From generals to sergeants, contractors to intelligence officers, Young Lions to SEALs, Robin Sage to USSOCOM, Africa to Okinawa, Special Ops to regular Army: more than 10,000 problems of all kinds have been analyzed and solved at home and in the field – past, present, future.

The Getting More model has particular relevance for the high stakes, emotional negotiations in which the military is usually involved. Making human connections with tribal leaders using these tools persuades tribes to say where the enemy is and where the IEDs are buried. Embassies cooperate more, from battlefields to resourcing. Host country forces are more enthusiastic about training. Mission approval time decreases dramatically. 

This model is an intelligence gathering toolkit for the human terrain, no matter what the situation. It provides a greater ability to be more creative and more precise, more prepared and more powerful. It enables the military to more effectively separate friends from foes, moderates from extremists. Conflict actions become more targeted, effective and cheaper, lowering collateral damage and political repercussions.

Even routine life becomes easier. At a recent training session, we took a SEAL team on a negotiation field trips in the community for a quick demonstration. One soldier saved $1,000 in 15 minutes on his annual phone bill using the tools. Another got his 3-year-old daughter to take a bath without complaint. A third found a better retirement job.

Getting More is one of only 15 books on the reading list of the Commander of U.S. Special Operations and one of only two books on the subject of Military Science. The SOCOM Commander said the book and the model “provide readers with a deeper understanding and appreciation for the profession we have chosen: Special Operations, its mission, core activities, and operations as well as the complex environment in which SOF operates.”

This is not theoretical, but operational: for missions happening now.



Ready to get more?

To discuss how we can help your organization, call us at:
1 (215) 972-5500

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  • "The lessons are the most pivotal, rewarding and useful set of interpersonal skills in my toolbox…Overcomes age, rank, social status, culture, religion, gender and even language.”

    Capt. Robert Williams, Green Berets, ODA, DRD, 3rd SFG

  • "This skill set is as important for mission success as shooting, moving and communicating in a modern combat environment that is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous."

    Maj. Andy Riise, Special Operations Fire Support Officer

  • "I would recommend this for all students coming through SWCS (Special Warfare Center and School)."

    LTC George Bond, Director of Human Dynamics and Performance, U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center

  • "Exceptional, wish I’d had this training years ago. Loved the practical, hands-on training and feedback."

    Commander, SEAL Team 10