Getting More in Finance

It’s not all about the numbers - the real differentiating factors for long-term success are skills in human interaction and making connections.

In almost every deal, everyone winds up with the same spreadsheets, models and computer programs. The real differentiating factors for long-term success are skills in human interaction: emotional intelligence, perceptions, cultural understanding, creating a vision, finding intangibles, forming relationships, making connections.

In our increasingly pluralistic world, Getting More provides the best skills by far to add value to deals. Pricing and other “finance" are almost never enough. Making a connection turns every commodity product or service into something unique. That’s because the people - their sensibilities, hopes, dreams fears - are in the deal.

This is not like the formulaic sales tactics taught in other books and courses. Getting More advises that each individual and each situation is unique and should be analyzed for unique characteristics, tangible and intangible. The makes each trading landscape much larger because there is much more in the deal. It becomes much easier to come to an agreement, add value and foster longer-term relationships. Most deals fail because the parties don’t know enough about each other. Getting More shows how to fix that, deal after deal.

Ready to get more?

To discuss how we can help your organization, call us at:
1 (215) 972-5500

Or, if you prefer, email us.

  • "I am living proof that this course this negotiation approach does pay! I saved $245 million for my company."

    Rich Morena, Principal and General Manager, Press Communications, LLC

  • "What I learned from Getting More has paid a lifetime of dividends."

    JC Huang, Venture Capital and Private Equity Investor

  • "The Getting More Model is the negotiation model of choice for our CEO clients & staff of Financial Advisors."

    Morgan Stanley Smith Barney

  • “The most important class I’ve ever taken.”

    Senior Vice President, Citigroup