Instructors of the Getting More Model

Stuart Diamond

Founder, Author

Stuart Diamond is one of the world’s foremost experts on negotiation. His negotiation course at top-ranked Wharton Business School has been the most sought-after by MBA students there over the past 20 years. Diamond and his team of 25 have trained more than 12,000 Googlers in his innovative model of human interaction. 

Professor Diamond has trained more than 5,000 Special Ops soldiers, the elite of the U.S. military: Navy SEALs, Green Berets, Marines, Special Forces and others in finding better ways to negotiate – from collecting better intelligence to dealing with the chain of command to meeting more family needs. “Saves lives,” was the comment written about his model by U.S. Special Operations Command.

Professor Diamond’s book on negotiations, Getting More: How To Be A More Persuasive Person in Work and Life, is a New York Times bestseller and #1 U.S. business bestseller on the Wall Street Journal and USA Today lists. Worldwide it has sold more than 1.2 million copies and has been translated into 19 languages. The Wall Street Journal’s career site calls Getting More “#1 book to read for your career.” Lawyers Weekly called it “phenomenal.” The Commander of U.S. Special Ops has placed it on his read list of 15 books; it is only one of two books on military science.

Professor Diamond has a law degree from Harvard, an MBA from Wharton. In a prior career he was a journalist for The New York Times, where he won a Pulitzer Prize as part of a team investigating the 1986 crash of the Space Shuttle Challenger. He was Associate Director of the Harvard Negotiation Project at Harvard Law School and directed its outside negotiation consulting firm.

He used the innovative Getting More process, which focuses on emotional intelligence, perceptions and collaborations — while insisting on fairness — to solve the 2008 Writer Strike in Hollywood; a multibillion dollar electronic trading rights dispute among exchanges in New York, and numerous international political and financial issues. They include coordinating the largest foreign-sourced commercial financing in Ukraine history, advising the President and ministers of Nicaragua in solving public image and insurgency issues, and developing an international strategy for a $14 billion petrochemical company in China.

Among the 30,000 people Diamond has taught or advised in 50+ countries, more than 220 are managers and executives from the Fortune 500 companies. Another 25% are of the Global 1000 community. He has trained school children in South Africa, bankers in Dubai, art dealers in Arizona and car dealers in Russia. He has also headed or managed companies in various industries. He has been chairman of a publicly-traded U.S. high tech company in the wireless space, convinced 3,000 farmers in Bolivia to forsake coca for bananas, operated a medical services company performing laser eye surgery and worked on Wall Street as an energy futures executive.

Besides Wharton, Professor Diamond has also taught at Penn Law School, Penn Engineering, Harvard, Oxford, Columbia, NYC, UC Berkeley and USC. He is also an expert in cross-cultural negotiation and diversity and has advised on the subject to the United Nations, World Bank and many companies. He has written 3 books, 2 documentary films and more than 2,000 articles, including dozens on page 1 of The New York Times.

Anis Bennani

Senior Instructor

Anis Bennani is the Head of EMEA Infrastructure Acquisition at Microsoft, with over 15 years of experience in technology deal-making. His expertise spans both sales and procurement leadership positions, allowing him a unique perspective on negotiations. Using the Getting More Model, Anis has taught and coached global teams on negotiation and deal-making. His impactful work has led to industry breakthroughs in challenging markets and realizing hundreds of millions of dollars in savings. Participants in his negotiation programs describe them as "thought-provoking and actionable."

Lorenzo Colombani

Senior Instructor

Lorenzo Colombani is a negotiation consultant in Paris, France. He provides negotiation consulting advice and training to Small and Medium-Sized Businesses as well as larger companies or individuals on a variety of topics (business transactions, labor disputes, neighborhood disputes, student/faculty disputes, etc.), onsite and online. Mr. Colombani is a licensed attorney with experience training in a variety of law firms. He holds an LLM from the University of Pennsylvania Law School, which he attended as a Fulbright Fellow, and trained extensively in negotiation, mediation and alternative dispute resolution.