Getting More in Healthcare

Amid the financial, political and bureaucratic issues in medicine today, human relations and problem-solving is taking on major importance in treating people and saving lives.

The Emergency Room director at Yale Medical Center was having months of problems with slow pediatrics admissions. The Pediatrics Department upstairs took so much time to admit children after ER requests that that the ER could not handle the crowding. And yet, the Pediatrics ward perennially had empty beds.

It took only 45 minutes using the Getting More model for the ER director to conclude that admissions were slow because Pediatrics wasn’t consulted on admissions decisions. Communications between the two departments were poor. There was little human contact: no coffee, no lunch, no small talk. Going back to Yale, the ER director fixed the problem immediately by instituting a consultative process and getting to know the people better.

Amid all the financial, political and bureaucratic issues in medicine today, human relations and problem-solving increasingly important in treating people and saving lives. Patients not taking medicines, silo effects of different departments, nurse-doctor issues and even food menu disconnects are causing significant problems in effective treatment and patient experience. Yet the root cause, poor human interaction, is rarely effectively addressed. The Getting More model is solving these problems – not just for hospitals, but for pharmaceutical firms and practitioners of all kinds.

The model enables practitioners to do with human interactions what their training taught them to do with medicine, biology and health: quickly identify the problem, reduce the emotion, be creative and execute an effective plan. In just a few hours, someone from any part of the healthcare industry can learn a lifetime of skills to enhance their training and experience, and make an even bigger difference. 

The COO of New York Presbyterian Hospital called the new tools “outstanding.” The head of internal medicine at Utah Medical Center called them “highly profitable,” and a regional sales manager of Eli Lilly called said Getting More’s model was “the best we’ve ever seen.”

Ready to get more?

To discuss how we can help your organization, call us at:
1 (215) 972-5500

Or, if you prefer, email us.

  • "The Getting More course was the single most practical learning experience I have ever had. I utilize the tools and strategies literally every day."

    Brian W. Smith, PhD, MBA, Healthcare Consultant

  • "At the core, it is the art of how to be human, how to consistently interact with others in a collaborative and positive way, how to identify and meet a goal by ensuring both parties have a stake in reaching it. This is the art of medicine, albeit from a slightly different perspective.”

    Senbagam Virudachalam, M.D., Instructor of Pediatrics, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

  • "These skills made me a more persuasive person, changed the way I interact with people, and dramatically improved my success in reaching better agreements of every type."

    Daniel J. Karp, Vice President, Worldwide Business Development, Pfizer