Conventional Wisdom in Negotiation is Obsolete, Irrelevant & Destructive

You and/or your organization can learn and implement this innovative model in a variety of formats that meet your needs. You'll learn to focus on people and perceptions first and create much more value compared to the outdated methods from the 1970s.


We offer one-on-one or small group advice and consulting via phone, video conference or in-person as desired. 

Getting More has a phenomenal track record in solving high priority deals that are at an impasse or complex organizational issues facing roadblocks, the seemingly unsolvable. By using the model and its creative processes, we're able to find that hidden something to fix the issue, often quickly, producing immediate impact on pressing challenges affecting, in most cases, an entire group or company.

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Some results of organizations that have benefited from our consulting services:

  • The Writers Guild in Hollywood - ended its long strike against the studios

  • New York Commodities Exchange - solved multibillion dollar electronic trading rights dispute with NY Mercantile Exchange

  • United Nations - Advice on technology transfer, strategic alliances, and economic development throughout the world

  • U.S. Pentagon - Advice to Pentagon and Colombian military on resolving terrorism issues with the FARC

  • McKinsey & Company - Got its pharma client, Johnson & Johnson, into Egyptian hospitals

  • Educational Testing Service - Exec Board renegotiated billion dollar multiyear contract

  • Malden Mills - Saved company by negotiating with stakeholders and U.S. Government

  • Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts - Transformed relationship with unions, developed better contract

Individual Workshop

You don’t have to belong to a large organization to gain interactive experience with the Getting More tools for better interactions with others. We hold open-enrollment workshops for individuals around the world. An individual class will be multi-cultural, multi-professional and will provide many varying perspectives, making your life richer. 

The fees are very competitive and consistent with the country where we teach. For those who have read Getting More, this is a chance to practice what you have learned in a focused environment. For those who have not, it’s a whole new world: one in which you get more from virtually every interaction, personal or professional.

About our workshops:

  • Typically 1-2 days with class sizes of 20-80 people. 

  • In addition to working through several significant negotiation exercises, participants also work on solving their real, current negotiation problems using the Getting More model.

  • In the process, we advise on solutions to dozens of problems at the individual and group level. 

  • We perform negotiation style diagnostics on every participant and provide individualized analysis. 

Interested in Individual Training? Click Here to Register

Participants will be able to:

  • Gain a better ability to focus on and meet goals
  • Make commitments that stick by finding out how the other party makes commitments
  • Uncover the perceptions of others and use them to create value
  • Turn transactions into relationships; develop linkages
  • Build more effective teams and consensus
  • Deal more effectively with emotional and cultural issues
  • Act faster and better in real time
  • Use differences and disagreements to add value
  • Think more strategically about negotiation

Online Course

Negotiate a case from the most sought-after course over 20 years at top-rated Wharton Business School. This innovative course rejects the conflictive power, leverage and logic, and instead focuses on the more collaborative emotional intelligence, perceptions and cultural diversity. It produces four times as much value while insisting on fairness.

You will negotiate in real time with another person – someone of your own choosing or someone we can provide for you. Then you will see an interactive debrief with the course developer, Prof. Stuart Diamond, author of The New York Times bestseller, Getting More. The book was called the #1 book to read for your career by The Wall Street Journal’s career site, and the best negotiation book “of all time” by Inc. Magazine. It has sold more than 1.5 million copies in 27 languages.

The innovative model has been used to train thousands of Googlers, managers from 220 of the Fortune 500 companies, U.S. Special Operations and people from all walks of life in 60 countries. It’s not just for business, but for shoppers who want discounts, parents who want better relationships with their kids, and getting more control over the daily interactions in life. You will become a more persuasive person in all that you do.

Details & Pricing? CLICK Here

Some Assessments:

  • “A massive competitive advantage in any negotiation.” Stephanie Camp, Senior Digital Strategist, Microsoft

  • “Invaluable in helping me achieve my goals.” Anthony Noto, CFO, Twitter, NFL

  • “I rely on Stuart Diamond’s negotiation tools every day.” Christian Hernandez, Head of International Business Development, Facebook

  • “The most important class I’ve ever taken.” Shanan Bentley, Senior Vice President, Citigroup.

  • “Your negotiation skills about getting more were refreshing and the best we’ve ever seen.” Al Weber, Regional Sales Manager, Eli Lilly

On-Site Workshops

In a matter of days, you and your organization can learn to improve virtually every interaction: getting a raise or promotion, getting the kids to listen, getting many discounts, making tough and easy situations better, and getting more control over your life.

About our workshops:

  • Typically 1-2 days and accommodate 20-80 people. With our teaching and technical advances, even a large workshop is interactive and personalized.

  • In addition to working through several significant negotiation exercises, participants also work on solving their real, current negotiation problems using the Getting More model.

  • In the process, we advise on solutions to dozens of problems at the individual and group level. 

  • We perform negotiation style diagnostics on every participant and provide individualized analysis. 

We customize the curriculum to align with your learning goals for our time together, and we work with you to get an ROI from each course.

This is not just another nice-to-have training. Among the most common comments by participants: “life-changing.” 

Interested in a Workshop? Let's talk >

Participants will be able to:

  • Gain a better ability to focus on and meet goals. Everyone says “goals,” but we show how to actually meet them
  • Make commitments that stick by finding out how the other party makes commitments
  • Uncover the perceptions of others and use them to create value
  • Turn transactions into relationships; develop linkages
  • Build more effective teams and consensus. An effective team is fair-minded to each member, something that happens too infrequently
  • Deal more effectively with emotional and cultural issues
  • Act faster in real time to quickly solve problems - this is a key success factor in this century
  • Use differences and disagreements to add value instead of create conflict

  • Think more strategically about negotiation. This is not a series of tricks or tactics; it’s a way of interacting with others that has lifetime benefits. You will see the forest and the trees

Speaking Engagements

Professor Diamond delivers speeches of varying lengths for organizations, conferences, team off-sites, and many other events. During these speeches, audiences learn a set of principles that we had as children, but forgot as we grew up. We re-teach adults to use their observations to engage more productively with people who are different from themselves.­

From the first five minutes of our presentation, audiences will start to look at the world differently. We will lay out, with anecdotes and pointed evidence, what’s wrong with how we treat each other, and what to do about it in all areas of life. Our presentation is direct and practical - leaving audiences with skills they can use right away. 

  • “The best presentation any of us have ever seen,” Rob Altomare, Manager, Johnson & Johnson.

  • “The most valuable tools in my fifteen years in sales, marketing, and business development.” Sandeep Sawhney, Director of Business Development, The Weather Channel.

Interested in a Speech for your organization? Tell us >

Some of our keynote speeches:

  • "How Different Do I Have to Be?" ~Women at Wharton, Microsoft, and major Silicon Valley firms

  • "It’s Not the Numbers that Matter Most." ~Bankers at Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Meridien, JP Morgan
  • "Saving Lives is More than the Medicine." ~U.S. Hospital Management Association
  • "The Human Terrain is the Next Mission." ~U.S. Special Operations Command
  • "Better Persuasion Is The Fastest ROI." ~Entrepreneurs Organization and YPO
  • "The Most Important Wires are in Their Heads." ~U.S. Electrical Contractors Association
  • "How to Reduce Arguments with Other Kids, Get What You Want, Deal With Your Parents – Starting TODAY." ~Montessori School